
PURIM IS the time for a party, with good-value wine. The Selected brand of Carmel Winery, 50 years

Honoring IDF's fallen soldiers through wine

Tributes to our fallen soldiers and heroes through wine making and wine partaking can be a form of sharing sympathy and expressing community solidarity and can propel us to great national heights.

Brisket: A good way to dine

The place is a no-frills, family-friendly restaurant, where the service is so good you get the feeling they would like you to guzzle up the food and vanish.

The ancient history of Israeli grape pips and wine

Excavations have given proof of a flourishing wine industry in the Byzantine and early Arab period, especially at sites like Shivta, Halutza, Nitzana, and Avdat.

Yayin Bakerem: Art, avocados, and wine in Tel Aviv - review

The wine bar’s kitchen is not kosher, although most of the dishes are vegetarian. They are closed on Friday nights but open on Shabbat day.


Reducing serving sizes of wine encourages drinkers to consume less alcohol

When English pubs, bars and restaurants removed their largest size of wine sold by the glass, customers drank less alcohol

 ZION WINERY has been passed down from grandfather to son and son to grandson over 175 years.

Zion Winery: 175 years and still going strong

Zion Winery is now reborn, 175 years young, and it seems to be going from strength to strength.

Tzora Vineyards celebrates 30 years, style and quality shining through

Tzora Vineyards really proves the maxim that less is definitely more. This is an example of the kind of winery that Israelis should be supporting with real pride. 

Sales of wine, beer, sweets rise in Israel amid war - report

Wine sales are up a staggering 100% since the war began, with sales of cookie products up 50% and beer sales up 40%, according to data provided by Yango Deli.

Buy Israeli wine amid the war with Hamas to show your support

For Israelis, I realize that talking about wine now is a futile exercise. But for supporters of Israel abroad, now is time to buy blue and white.

Drinking wine in the evening? Common mistake to avoid

Drinking wine, just like smoking, coffee, or tea, can stain and damage your teeth over time.

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